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whatIf? provides facilities for interactive display and creation of TOOL data objects using line graphics. Line graphics provide a powerful way of seeing both change in time and composition. Unlike most graphics packages that are oriented towards printing a single static graphical image, the whatIf? Modelling Platform facilitates user interaction with the graphical image. Visual interaction is essential for comprehensive interpretation of large quantities of data.

Graph is a TOOL languague operator that can be invoked from any TOOL language program with default options set in the program. Once the image is on-screen, the user may adjust options with respect to grid lines, titles, x and y - scale minimums and maximums, line thickness, and digits and decimals to be displayed on the axis labels.

Graph Features

  • Graph supports 'slicing and dicing' of multi dimensional data objects including the ability to sum or average over selected dimensions.

  • Individual lines and sets of lines may be selectively high-lighted and coloured to enhance the visualization of large data objects.

  • Data objects with more than two dimensions are displayed by allowing the user to select slices of the object. Data objects may be reordered so they can be seen from different perspectives.

  • Information from the data objects is used to automatically format the graph; this includes the generation and display of the title, proper units of measure, and axis labels.

  • Annotations may be added to a graph by the user to highlight particular features.

  • New assumptions for scenario data can be quickly and visually generated using a 'connect the dots' strategy - a smooth curve is fitted through historical data and several user-specified future points to generate a curve from which the complete sequence of points can be extracted.

  • Graphical displays may be printed, copied and pasted into reports or saved as microsoft .emf files

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