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whatIf? Technologies has been active in the field of energy systems analysis since its founding in 1989 and indeed since the founders' work on the Socio-Economic Resource model and its antecedents at Statistics Canada in the 1980s.


This experience, in combination with the whatIf? Modeling Platform, makes whatIf? Technologies a leader in the area of energy systems analysis. Two sets of services are offered:


  • Analytic services based on the use of of the Canadian Energy Systems Simulator (CanESS) developed by whatIf? Technologies

  • Development of custom energy models for nations, regions, municipalities and utilities concerned with the production and use of energy and and related emissions of greenhouse gases and criteria air contaminants

Custom Energy Models

whatIf? Technologies combines its custom modelling expertise and energy systems subject matter experience to offer custom energy systems modelling services. Learn more about the whatIf? Custom Modelling Process here.

Energy Clients

Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Transportation Energy Use
Development of CanTEEM (Canadian Transportation Energy and Emissions Model)


Transport Canada, Sustainable Development Division
Development of TCTEEM (Transport Canada Transportation Energy and Emissions Model), including a new vehicle choice sub-module.


National Energy Board
Implementation and hosting of EDM (Energy Demand Model) and CanPlan (electricity generation model)


National Research Council, Office of Sustainable Technologies Technology
Adaptation of CanTEEM model and preparation of analytic studies on the use of bio fuels - ethanol and bio-diesel - in Canadian road motor vehicle stocks and the impact on green-house gas emissions and urban air quality


Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Energy Demand and Policy
Energy end use data management and modelling, energy technology data base, UNIX systems management.


CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of AusFUEL (Australian Fuels Model).


CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of ASFF (Australian Stocks and Flows Framework) concerned with representing stocks and flows, sources and sinks of energy, land, water, and materials in Australia in response to population and technological change.

© whatIf? Technologies Inc.

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