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Energy Clients

Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Transportation Energy Use
Development of CanTEEM (Canadian Transportation Energy and Emissions Model)


Transport Canada, Sustainable Development Division
Development of TCTEEM (Transport Canada Transportation Energy and Emissions Model), including a new vehicle choice sub-module.


National Energy Board
Implementation and hosting of EDM (Energy Demand Model) and CanPlan (electricity generation model)


National Research Council, Office of Sustainable Technologies Technology
Adaptation of CanTEEM model and preparation of analytic studies on the use of bio fuels - ethanol and bio-diesel - in Canadian road motor vehicle stocks and the impact on green-house gas emissions and urban air quality


Natural Resources Canada, Office of Energy Efficiency, Energy Demand and Policy
Energy end use data management and modelling, energy technology data base, UNIX systems management.


CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of AusFUEL (Australian Fuels Model).


CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of ASFF (Australian Stocks and Flows Framework) concerned with representing stocks and flows, sources and sinks of energy, land, water, and materials in Australia in response to population and technological change.

Urban & Regional Planning Clients

CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of MRSFF (Melbourne Region Stocks and Flows Framework) concerned with urban planning and urban energy

Regional Municipality of Waterloo
Development of PLUM (Population and Land Use Model), the WRPF (Waterloo Region Planning Framework), and model hosting services

Regional Municipality of Peel
Implementation of PLUM (Population and Land Use Model) and model hosting services

Office of the Greater Toronto Area
Development of population, land use, transportation demand model for the GTA

Demography Clients

CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of the Australian SLA Population Model - a demographic model for Australia projects population and households at the level of statistical local areas (SLAs)


Natural Resources Canada, Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
Development for a population model for Canada and the provinces at the level of human settlements


Conservation Council of Ontario
Development of a cohort population model for Canada


Demographic Review Secretariat, Health and Welfare Canada
Development of CDSF (Canadian Demographic Simulation Model) - a demographic model for Canada and provinces including modules for population, nuclear family formation, households, child care, education, morbidity, and employment

Forestry Clients

Conservation Council of Ontario
Development of a stem-based forest model of Canadian eco-regions to track the evolution of the age-structured volumetric wood inventory as it is impacted by volumes harvested and regeneration strategies 


CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of a new tool for multi-species forest dynamics for use in the ASFF (Australian Stocks and Flows Framework) concerned with both natural forests and plantations

Water Clients

CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of the water component of the ASFF (Australian Stocks and Flows Framework) concerned with sources and disposition of water by river basin in Australia


Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Australia, Bureau of Rural Sciences
Development of a model concerned with irrigation and water salination in the Murray-Darling River Basin.

Agriculture Clients

CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of the agriculture component of the ASFF (Australian Stocks and Flows Framework) model concerned with the impact of agricultural practices on soil quality and crop yields.


Future Sustainability of the Australian Grains Industry


Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Australia, Bureau of Rural Sciences
Development of a model concerned with irrigation and water salination in the Murray-Darling River Basin.


Agriculture Canada and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Under the Soil and Water Environmental Enhancement Program (SWEEP) Development of a farm scale model concerned with the interaction between tillage practice, cropping decisions, the use of amendments, and farm income. 


University of Wisconsin, Agriculture Systems and Informatics Group
Agriculture soil fertilization and hydrology modelling

Fisheries Clients

Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Australia, Bureau of Rural Sciences
Development of a fisheries model for the Australian Northern prawn fishery with components for fish stocks, fleets and harvesting effort and fishery economics


CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of the fisheries component of the ASFF (Australian Stocks and Flows Framework) including a new tool applying the Schaefer equation to 160 Australian fisheries. Used to support CSIRO's Modelling Australia's Fisheries to 2050 report.

Enrionment-Economy Clients

Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
Development of the Global Systems Simulator, a proof-of-concept model, for exploring carrying capacity and sustainability

CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems
Development of ASFF (Australian Stocks and Flows Framework) concerned with representing stocks and flows, sources and sinks of energy, land, water, and materials in Australia in response to population and technological change. ASSF was used to support CSIRO's Future Dilemmas report.

Yukon Council on Environment and Economy
Design of a model to explore land contention issues among stakeholders including agriculture, mining, forestry, fisheries, tourism, and the hunting and trapping activities of indigenous peoples

Technology Assessment Clients

Industrial Technology Research Institute - Taiwan
Development of a textile industry model to explore long term sustainability including technological options for reducing dependence on water and energy resources


National Research Council
Development system modeling methods to augment life cycle analyses to assess sustainability of technologies including the use of bio-ethanol and bio-diesel as fuels for road motor vehicles

​Human Resource Strategic Planning Clients

Department of National Defense, Directorate of Strategic Human Resource Planning
Development of Human Resources Strategic Planning Framework

Health Clients

University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine, Community Health Research Unit
Multiple intervention program evaluation and planning modeling for community public health programs


Health Canada
Epidemiological risk modeling concerned with theoretical transmission of vCJD through the blood system

Operations Research Clients

Public Works and Government Services Canada, Real Property Branch
Office space allocation and scheduling model

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